There are lots of ways to become involved with Theatre 98 besides buying
a season ticket and becoming a member (though that’s a good first step).
Sign up for Our Newsletter
To subscribe, please send your email information to theatre98boxoffice@att.net.
We’re always looking for new people to grace our stage. Why not give it a try? Click here!
Become an usher or intermission refreshment server! Click here.
Assist at the Box Office by handing out tickets as patrons arrive. No experience or training required. All you need is a knowledge of the English alphabet and a friendly face. Click Here to sign up or contact our Box Office Manager at theatre98boxoffice@att.net.
Help with set construction, painting, costumes, props, or other backstage work! Email our Production Manager at theatre98production@gmail.com or attend the auditions for the play to meet the director and stage manager. Let them know how you would like to help and give them your contact information.
Money is always welcome! As with most non-profit arts organizations, ticket sales do not come close to covering our expenses. We rely on the generosity of our patrons to make up the rest. To make a fully tax-deductible contribution, you can donate online or download and print the donation form and mail it in with your check. For more information about donations, please visit the Donations page by clicking here.
Donation levels:
Friend $10 – $25
Supporter $25 – $50
Sponsor $50 – $100
Patron $100 – $150
Angel $250 and Above
Also, we welcome your donations of vintage clothing and accessories, latex paint, and other items. Due to space limitations, we cannot accept furniture. Leave us a voicemail (251-928-4366) and we’ll return your call.